London born photographer Norman McGrath was educated in Ireland where he earned an engineering degree at Trinity College, Dublin. His father was the Australian-born architect and author, Raymond McGrath.
After working in Dublin for two years as a structural engineer, McGrath moved to New York in 1956. Over the next five years, he gradually made the transition into the field of professional photography, specializing in architecture and interiors.
His long career includes a wide variety of work for many well-known architects and designers. Every major architectural publication has featured his images, and his book, Photographing Buildings Inside and Out has sold over 46,000 copies.
Recently, McGrath co-authored for Princeton Architectural Press, the books Manhattan Skyscrapers with text by Eric Nash, and Skyscraper Rivals a book featuring four early New York buildings, with text by Daniel Abramson. New Yrk's Pennsylvania Stations by Hilary Ballon was published in April 2002, with a photo essay by Norman McGrath. More recent works include: Architectural Photography: Professional Techniques for Shooting Interior and Exterior Spaces (2009) and Rooftop Gardens: The Terraces, Conservatories and Balconies of New York (2011).
In additional to his assignment work, Norman McGrath gives seminars and teaches with the Maine Photographic Workshops, The Palm Beach Photo Workshops and the Calumet Institute in conjunction with the University of Maryland.
In 1985, the AIA selected, McGrath for its Insititue Honor and the New York Chapter of the AIA awarded him a special citation for photography in 1999.
You've read thus far, clicking on image above shows a few more amazing photographs by Norman McGrath during the demolition of Penn Station.
Learn more about Norman McGrath at his website
Additionally interesting links to buy Norman McGrath books and prints:
Manhattan Skyscrapers: 30 Postcards
Framed Print: Guggenheim Museum, 1995.
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