Penn Station During WWII

Photo via The Late Great Pennsylvania Station by Lorraine Diehl

Photo via The Late Great Pennsylvania Station by Lorraine Diehl

The main waiting room had a huge War bond mural anchored to the wall, these enormous faces of soldiers looking down onto the people. They looked so content to be receiving the hundreds of men occupying the room. Each one handing in their soul for the train tickets they were given...”
— - Joseph Lanza, scene 3

A Quote from Ada Louise Huxtable

Photo via the New York Times

Photo via the New York Times

Tossed into the Secaucus graveyard are about 25 centuries of classical culture and the standards of style, elegance and grandeur that it gave to the dreams and constructions of Western man. That turns the Jersey wasteland into a pretty classy dump.
— Ada Louise Huxtable, May 26, 1968