There is so much... awesome... to report from last week so let's get to it. 

First, we signed the lease on The Lion Theatre! Ladies and gentlemen, because of you, this production is officially a reality with a home. We will open on Thursday, November 12 and run through  Sunday, December 6.

In the coming weeks we will activate our advance ticket sales through Telecharge. Backers who have tickets coming to them as part of their rewards package will be getting an email directly from me asking when they would like to attend the show. This is so I can enter you into the Telecharge system before other potential audience members can purchase those seats. In short: you guys get first dibs.  

To be clear you do not need to take any action right now! Just expect an email from me by the end of this week and it will explain the next steps.

Last Wednesday evening we had a stellar event with the New York Transit Museum. The coordinators reported that it was their best-attended Platform event yet and there was a lot of positive buzz concerning our show specifically. It was literally standing room only as people were stuffed in the train cars trying to listen to the show because the platform was covered with audience members. 

We are hopeful that the museum will work with us to coordinate a dedicated event just for our before our production begins in the fall. We were also appreciative to have some friendly backers attend the evening and show their support. Big thanks again to those who came out! 

Here are a few more pictures from the evening. I will be posting all the photos up on Instagram each day this week. 

Lastly, some Kickstarter backers have been reaching out about the Norman McGrath prints. I would like to clarify that they have not been mailed out yet. I bulk-ordered the proper shipping envelopes and awaiting their arrival before I begin the fulfillment process. Once I do, I will send a confirmation email stating that they were sent out so you know to expect them. 

Have a great week and thanks!